4 Top Reasons Big Data Implementation Projects Fail

Big Data isn’t a magic wand that fixes all an organizations data challenges and Aladdin’s lamp isn’t going to make it happen either. Big Data implementation failures again fall back to MBA basics.  Here’s the Big Four challenges.

Who’s in Charge Here?

The boss’s pet project? Or worse, the boss’s boss finds Big Data interesting so the boss finds it fascinating. The implementation should begin with the Go Big or Go Safe® decision and stick to it. Over ambition is the first reason Big Data or any new technology implementation fails. Without specific direction for the scope, any project is setting up for failure. Focus on creating a win for the organization and repeating or growing the capability from the lessons learned in the organization’s frame of reference.

And Why Are We Here Again?

Even if leadership has set a defined course (“You WILL do this.), without clear goals, it’s hard for the team to hit the target. Be realistic about what those first targets are. Like surfing the internet, it’s easy to get lost following threads. Big Data is like a blue ocean of possibility once the new capability is created. Having specific goals also aligns resources to meet those markers.

Everyone’s Doing It (Big Data)

NO jumping off a cliff. Doing Big Data for the sake of getting in the latest trend is a dangerous move. if everyone’s looking at each other for the right action to take, the project is going to fail. Unrealistic expectations fail. The Big Data implementation needs a champion in leadership to ensure the right resources and motivation are pushing the ball down field.

Out of Control

Without boundary control, the project easily slips outside the margins. A structured implementation with consistent feedback enables better reaction and adjustment for keeping the project within the lines. Again, make scalable victories. This serves both short-term wins and long term survivability.

4 Top Reasons Big Data Implementation Projects Fail

4 Top Reasons Big Data Implementation Projects Fail